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Inquiry for treatment after removal of colon cancer

I underwent surgery to remove malignant colon cancer. Mam 4 stage already metastasis. Is chemotherapy and biofeedback necessary or can alternative treatment be enough? Thank you Silvie.

Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to respond to your inquiry promptly, given your situation. First mandatory statement: I am not a doctor. Decisions on the treatment of specific diseases belong to the physician. When I say a mandatory statement, I do not mean by law. I do not even know if there is a law that would tell me something like that. But it is a matter of fundamental decency to admit that as a biologist physiologist communicating from a distance I a priori I am not in a position like the treating oncologist who sees your markers and has the results of all the other examinations available. My answer is informative only, and what I say about it also applies to the treatment of malignant tumors in general , and not just to colon cancer .

Adaptogens are not alternative

First, I would stop by the term " alternative treatment " you used. Alternative methods in the normal sense are methods that are not based on scientific (rational) medicine. Oncology patients are sometimes desperate, and in turn, they abuse the charlatans offering fake miraculous drugs, of which the most famous of us may be amygdalin . Adaptogens in this sense are not alternative, their effects have been demonstrated by both experimental and clinical studies. The model ginseng adaptogene is a part of our pharmacopoeia as well as some Polyporales mushrooms . It is only for doctors and pharmacists to use these drugs at the right time.

"Biotherapy" should be called immunotherapy

Biotherapy, the use of monoclonal antibodies in the treatment of cancer, is one of the newer treatments. It's expensive to treat because antibodies need to be artificially created. The more correct name for bio-therapy is, in my opinion, immunotherapy, namely, the treatment with antibodies.

Specific answer to your question

I was just saying at the beginning that you should follow the doctor's instructions. The oncologist decides whether chemotherapy, bio-therapy, etc. can be added to the adjuvant therapy in the following dosage: 2-3 g of quality glomerular glomerular glomerular concentrate daily and 5-10 g of 6-gallon red ginseng daily. To further increase your chances, you can additionally add 2-3 grams of fructose concentrate to other anticancer fungi, such as colorful assemblages .

Inform your doctor about your intention to use adaptogens and anticancer fungi. General studies have ranked Glossary amongst the strongest natural anticancer agents, and since 2004 has begun investigating its action against colon cancer cells ( Hong2004egl ). The outmoded color is similar - against colon cancer it was experimentally explored by the Japanese in 1994 ( Kanoh1994eae , Kobayashi1995aep ). The Japanese are also among the main customers who use high-quality outfits for treatment purposes, especially from Taiwan. The outbreak is also happening to us, but despite this it is forbidden in the EU by a decree on new types of food. I will not comment on this answer. (Can be collected or purchased separately as non-food.)

The above references are only in vitro studies . Clinical studies specifically for colon cancer in these fungi do not yet exist. In clinical trials in other types of cancer (rather than colon carcinoma) these fungi show considerable potential. As for ginseng, it is probably the best way to boost immunity after chemotherapy, which has a negative effect on it . Ginseng is considered by experts to be the most powerful anti-cancer drug at all .


| 2012 - 24.1.2018