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Is it possible to use glossy shine during pregnancy and breastfeeding?


I would like to know if it is possible to use shiny glossy gloss at pregnancy and breastfeeding. I have a 7-month-old baby who is already part of a child's diet, but I still do 4 times a day. Glamor I want to use to support the immune system, because I have been very exhausted lately. Thank you for answer. Petra

Hello, Petro!

A short answer to your question is:

Regular use of glossy nipple during breastfeeding is absolutely no problem.

Here are some other related information and considerations:

I have already addressed a similar question for ginseng

I have already addressed the use of breastfeeding for ginseng . After carefully studying the available literature, the response to the ginseng was quite positive. It can be said that glossy glow is pharmacologically similar in some respects, but it is much less questionable than ginseng about pregnancy and lactation.

Why the question mark over ginseng about the use during pregnancy and lactation was a question mark

Simply put, because it contains effective triterpenoids ( panaxosdids ) that pass through the placental barrier into breast milk. Purely theoretically, panaxosides, although completely harmless in adults, could negatively affect embryogenesis without the TCP physicians seeing them over the millennium. Practically it is not, and even seems, that even ginseng children benefit (scientific references can be found in the question).

Why a smaller question mark hangs above the glossy eye than the ginseng

Simply put, for three reasons:

  • Lesklokorka quantitatively contains less triterpenoids than ginseng
  • In addition, it is usually consumed in a smaller amount than ginseng
  • The hormonal modulation effect is not as pronounced as in ginseng

While for mature, quality, dry red ginseng , the total panaxoside content is around 20%, with dry glossy glossy gloss, the content of triterpenoids (so-called ganoderic acids) is below 1%. In addition, Glossy is usually consumed in small quantities - its solid, woody consistency or great consumption does not. Ganoderic acids, but specific "polysaccharides", in particular proteoglycans that do not pass through the placenta or breast milk, are the most important effective anticancer agent of gloss.

Otherwise, the answer also depends on who you are asking ...

Manufacturers of regular drugs quickly notice that it is better to avoid herbs in pregnancy and lactation because they are not sufficiently researched. And they are to some extent correct. It is a pity that this great advice was not able to give those mothers who once used their thalidomide, blocking the growth of the fetal limbs.

The herbalist will tell you in particular that you can eat as much as you want in pregnancy and breastfeeding. They too are right. Practice shows that glossary is safe for mothers.

The least confident answer is provided by scientific articles. There are only two publications dealing marginally with questions about the use of glossary in mothers ( Cheng2007gsm and Zhang2006pgl ). In both cases, these are attempts to treat gingivitis in pregnant rats in order to produce positive effects in the offspring. The question of gloss safety in pregnancy and lactation has not yet officially addressed science. But there is no reason to worry, and it is more likely that glossary will also perform here positively.

  • answer from the herbalist / asktheherbalist_pregnancy.htm pdf
  • side effects by pdf



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